by Jeanne McKinney | Feb 9, 2016 | All, Articles, Military, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy
October and November 2015 saw the launch of the Marine Corps’ new approach to maintaining crisis response forces forward-deployed at sea. Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force – Crisis Response – Africa (SPMAGTF-CR-AF) is testing the Allied Maritime Basing...
by Jeanne McKinney | Jul 4, 2015 | All, Articles, Military, U.S. Marine Corps
“Every military, whether it’s us or the terrorists, tries to be unpredictable,” said Maj. BJ Grass, a Marine Corps Intelligence officer, recently returned from the Anbar region in Iraq. As part of Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force — Crisis Response —...
by Jeanne McKinney | May 8, 2015 | All, Articles, Military, U.S. Marine Corps
In the spring of 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom was underway and 1st Marine Division troops were on the march. Keeping the enemy off-balance and retaining its tactical momentum, the division conducted an assault bridging operation on April 7 while under fire to cross...
by Jeanne McKinney | Jan 22, 2015 | All, Articles, Military, U.S. Marine Corps
This column presents “Patriot Profiles” to provide readers insight into the lives of our country’s heroes. Rushing to a world crisis, nothing is black or white. For 1st Lt. David Andrew Tan, one of about 100 Marines called to Liberia in early October 2014, it was...
by Jeanne McKinney | Dec 14, 2014 | All, Articles, Military, U.S. Marine Corps
This column presents “Patriot Profiles” to provide readers insight into the lives of our country’s heroes. Although the world may take little note of one Marine, his or her role is no less diminished. Willing to lead and be led, learn, toil — even wash themselves in...
by Jeanne McKinney | Jul 22, 2014 | All, Articles, Military, U.S. Marine Corps
This column presents “Patriot Profiles” to provide readers insight into the lives of our country’s heroes. By Jeanne McKinney Mobility across natural obstacles can save lives in war. The capture of the Ludendorff Bridge that spanned the Rhine River at Remagen,...