TWENTYNINE PALMS Calif. November 6, 2021. Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center. Photo Jeanne McKinney
Patriot Profiles Productions LLC is in production for the upcoming documentary series, Ronin 3: The Battle for Sangin.
CAMP PENDLETON Calif. April 24, 2021. Photo Dave McKinneyCAMP PENDLETON Calif. April 24, 2021. Photo Dave McKinneyTWENTYNINE PALMS Calif. November 6, 2021. Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center. Photo Jeanne McKinneyCAMP PENDLETON Calif. May 22, 2021. Photo Jeanne McKinneyCAMP PENDLETON Calif. May 22, 2021. Photo Jeanne McKinneyCAMP PENDLETON Calif. August 14, 2021. Photo Dave McKinney
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Patriot Profiles presents the stories and news of our U.S. military, the Border Patrol and the incredible individuals who have our backs. Get researched news and commentary with first-hand interviews and named, linked sources.