SAN DIEGO. Unfortunately, fake newsies sow lies and disrespect about Trump and our military. The Atlantic editor and writer, Jeffrey Goldberg, posted a story September 3 lashing out like a blind viper, titling his stinging venom as, “…Trump: Americans who died in the war are ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’”. Goldberg failed miserably at pretending to know Trump.

Everyone, but Trump-haters, knows he says ‘warriors and heroes’ when he refers to our military members.

Goldberg claimed Trump canceled a 2018 visit to Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris because of his hair being messed up in the rain. Goldberg then masqueraded his own thoughts as Trump, saying the president didn’t go, “because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead.

This mysterious insight coming from four unknowns (to fake media) who, “had first-hand knowledge of the discussion that day…

To clarify, the visit was to honor a memorial built for U.S. troops who stopped the German advance toward Paris in the Battle of Belleau Wood. Jordan Karem, former Director of Oval Ops and Personal Aide to POTUS, refutes Goldberg.

Trump doesn’t let a little rain get in his way.

It was a cold and pouring in 2018, when Trump thanked World War II veterans at Suresnes American Cemetery near Paris. Trump said the Veteran’s Day ceremony was  “the highlight of the trip” before returning to America.

Even made light of the driving rain in a cool 55 degrees Fahrenheit,

Trump treks the miles to thank and praise his troops.

2018 was a busy military year for our president. Over 3000 MCAS Miramar Marines, Sailors. and Coastguardsmen were another priority for him, as he made a special effort to speak to them personally on a west coast trip.  I filmed it.

“We’re here today to celebrate your incredible achievements…I have a message for you straight from the heart of the American people, and you know what that is. We support you. We thank you. We love you. And we will always have your back like you have ours.”

SAN DIEGO 2018, USMC Miramar Marines, Sailors and Coastguardsmen listen to their Commander-in-Chief Donald J. Trump honor their contributions to America and the world. Photo Jeanne McKinney

It was a thrill to see Trump as I knew he knew and admired the caliber of amazing men and women in that room.

The people that make one wonder – how far can you push extraordinary? And love it? The warriors and heroes I love and write about and the people that Goldberg dishonors with his lying lips.

ROTA, SPAIN, 2020. Explosive ordnance disposal technicians, from Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit (EODMU) 8, assigned to Navy Expeditionary Combat Force Europe-Africa/Task Force (CTF) 68, conduct unstable exit free fall jumps as part of flight operations with the Spanish navy. U.S. Navy photo Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Katie Cox

Goldberg offends intelligence, integrity, skills of our troops who don’t deserve vicious rumors.

In his September 4th address to the nation, Trump was asked about Goldberg’s not-so-covert character assassination in The Atlantic. ”Nobody called and asked me for a comment. They just printed it…It was just a hoax.”

The Beast reports Goldberg’s dishonest assumptions about Trump, when Goldberg proves himself to be an enemy to truth,

“He [Trump] is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read,” touts Goldberg.

 It’s not hard to find Trump passionately defending America’s founding document, the same that his military defends.

No military who pledges to fight for and preserve the Constitution would believe Goldberg’s outrageous choice of words.

WASHINGTON D.C., 2020, The Honorable Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States, The Honorable Michael R. Pence, 48th Vice President of the United States, The Honorable Mark T. Esper, 27th Secretary of Defense, and Maj. Gen. Omar J. Jones IV, commanding general, Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region and the U.S. Army Military District of Washington, participate in the 152nd National Memorial Day Presidential Armed Forces Full Honor Wreath Ceremony to honor America’s fallen military service members, at Arlington National Cemetery. DoD photo Marvin Lynchard

Goldberg acts as no friend to the military.

Goldberg offends the integrity of our troops by spreading vicious rumors. He joins the ranks of viscous rumor spreaders, like lying Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton – out for a power grab over the people.

The Beast reported that Goldberg endorsed buddy Hillary Clinton, who he said “had flaws” in comparison to his long list of vile name calling about Trump.  The same Clinton who left our U.S. Ambassador, service members, and CIA analysts to terrorist mobs in Benghazi. Who later pushed horrific lies about the entire attack and said, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

It obviously doesn’t make a difference for The Atlantic to peddle a lying political candidate like Clinton. Goldberg heralded the mag’s break from 159 years of ‘impartial’ tradition in 2017. Dumping the mag’s motto to never align with any “party or clique.”

What difference does a past make? Goldberg’s is dark and shady.

Shame the Hacks who Abuse Media Ethics (S.H.A.M.E.) says Goldberg led a double life.

S.H.A.M.E.’s Media Transparency Project was started in 2012 “to expose corrupt media figures, document journalistic fraud and make life a little harder for covert propagandists who manipulate the public and degrade our democracy and help perpetuate oligarchy power.”  According to Media Bias Factcheck, S.H.A.M.E. has a factual reporting rating of high.

S.H.A.M.E. was inspired by their readers who wanted to fight back against rampant media fraud and deception.

“For two decades now, Jeffrey Goldberg has peddled blatantly false war propaganda with disastrous consequences, fronted for the military-industrial war machine and played a key PR role pushing America into war with Iraq…and had been rewarded for his lies and failures with the top editor’s job at the Atlantic Monthly.”
“In the early 1990s, Goldberg served as a prison guard at Ktzi’ot Israel’s largest detention camp for political prisoners…The prison was criticized for its inhumane conditions, including frequent beatings, lack of drinking water and forced labor,” says S.H.A.M.E.

“It was hopelessly exotic for me. I mean, I’m from the South Shore of Long Island, and then all of a sudden I’m in the Negev Desert, by the Egyptian border, as a prison guard in what’s probably the largest prison in the Middle East, guarding the future leaders of Palestine. It was pretty exciting,” on being a prison guard told to The New Yorker, 2006.

S.H.A.M.E says Goldberg admitted he took part in Palestinian prisoner beatings, yet in 2012, denies ever being a prison guard.

Trump’s not hiding Wounded Warriors.

“Multiple sources” told Goldberg  “The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades.

Kicking off Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride was President Trump, Vice President Mike and Second Lady Karen Pence and other White House officials. The Pences have two children serving in the military. It is hard to believe that the Vice President and Second Lady would continue to support President Trump if he showed the slightest disrespect for the military – living or dead.

“With us on stage today are the Wounded Warriors from the Air Force, the Army, the Navy, the Coast Guard, the National Guard, and the Marine Corps. Each of you is a living testament to the outstanding determination, persistence, and patriotism that made this the greatest nation ever to exist on the face of the Earth.”

We see Trump bring to the nation’s stage amazing patriots, saying they are “an inspiration to all Americans.” Cpl. James Blane -Iwo Jima, Justin Day stepped on an IED and lost his leg. Corpsman Jose Ramos, hit by a rocket and still attended to  wounded Marines. Trump spotlights those who suffered…

FLORIDA, 2020, Veterans participate in the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) Soldier Ride onboard NAS Pensacola. During the event, warriors used cycling and camaraderie to overcome physical, mental, or emotional wounds. Photo Marv Lynchard

…while Goldberg  mocks suffering women of war.

“More tear gas please”, by Jeffrey Goldberg, The Jerusalem Post, 1991

“Nothing breaks the ice better between two warring peoples than a little light-hearted fun. And what is a better example of light-hearted fun than a beauty pageant? The Israeli administration would be highly praised if it sponsored an annual Miss Occupied Territories Contest.”

“Preliminary rounds would be held separately – a “Miss Gush Emunim” and a “Miss I Moved to Ariel Because I Couldn’t Afford An Apartment In Kfar Sava” will be picked on the Jewish side, while Arab women would compete in “Miss Gaza Refugee Camp” and “Miss Mother Who Sends Her Children into the Street to Catch Israeli Bullets with Their Heads” contests,” concludes Goldberg in The Jerusalem Post.

A pattern of war propaganda.

Liza Featherstone from Jacobin has Goldberg’s number,

“Jeffrey Goldberg, who has admitted taking part in — and covering up — brutal beatings as a former guard in a detention camp for Palestinian political prisoners, has matured from such physical violence into the armchair variety, always safer for the perpetrator,” says Featherstone.

She goes on to say that when he wrote for the New Yorker, “he peddled, with very thin evidence, the now-discredited connection between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda, which Bush used to make the case for war with Iraq.”

Editors Note: We have sent requests for comment to The Atlantic who has so far not responded.  If a response is received, this article will be updated appropriately
Smoking guns of yesteryear.

“In 2002, Goldberg published a two-part fake scare story in the New Yorker alleging that the Shia Muslim group Hezbollah had penetrated deep into the United States and was, among other things, running a black market cigarette ring on American soil in order to finance its terrorist operations. He also claimed that Iraq and Hezbollah were likely to attack Israel in retaliation for the impending U.S. invasion of Iraq: “Iraq will fire missiles at Israel—perhaps with chemical or biological payloads,” reports S.H.A.M.E.

Goldberg digs low in the trenches to advance his activism.

Melania Trump came out swinging at Goldberg’s writings, ‘This is not journalism – It is activism. And it is a disservice to the people of our great nation.”

The anti-American Left is desperate. They’ll use anyone for a setup. Goldberg used a fallen warrior in his political prance on top of Trump. The hero was John Kelly’s son (former Whitehouse chief of staff), USMC 1st. Lt. Robert Kelly, killed in Afghanistan 2010.  The deadliest year for U.S. troops deployed to Afghanistan under Obama. Trump visited Robert’s grave with his father Memorial Day 2017. A nameless retired general was also pulled into a liar’s lair.

“He [Trump] can’t fathom the idea of doing something for someone other than himself,” one of Kelly’s friends, a retired four-star general, told me. “He just thinks that anyone who does anything when there’s no direct personal gain to be had is a sucker,” gushes Goldberg, gladly.

A gutless tactician coerces military members to advance a political vendetta.

Active-duty military don’t get to make ‘for or against’ comments about the president or military officers. From Suffolk Law,

“As any Soldier, Airman, Sailor or Marine knows, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (“UCMJ”) sets forth various rules and standards of etiquette and decorum when publicly expressing opinions, views and political affiliation and/or ideology. Violations of these rules and standards can result in a court martial proceeding with quite severe penalties, including but not limited to confinement, forfeiture of pay and even dishonorable separation from the service.”

700 veterans back up their president.

Not reported by any mainstream media outlet is an open letter that nearly 700 veterans issued – pushing back against the media’s anonymous sourced “lies.” An excerpt from the letter – ( read letter here BPR) .

“Recent baseless media attacks against President Trump from anonymous sources are just another example of the depths to which the President’s opponents are willing to descend to divide the nation and meddle in this election,” the veterans wrote. 

FRANCE, 2019. The President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, along with World War II veterans, stand during a wreath laying ceremony at the 75th D-Day Anniversary at Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Colleville-sur-Mer. Photo Sgt. HENRY VILLARAMA

 One Gold Star Husband saw the soul of the man we call president.

NBC News reports in Trump came to Dover after my wife was killed fighting ISIS. He absolutely respects our service.

“I’d never met a president before Donald Trump. His empathy and thoughtfulness on one of the worst days of my life won my gratitude,” says Joe Kent, a Gold Star Husband and retired Army officer. “
Kent writes eloquently (in part – read the entire commentary here)
“As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”
“But (I am told) I thanked President Trump, and I remember he held eye contact with me. And in his eyes, I could see — unmistakably — the same pain I’d seen in the eyes of other senior leaders who ultimately bear the responsibility for sending men and women to their deaths in combat.”

“Then the president did something that I did not expect: he asked me what I thought about Syria and what we were doing there. He talked to me — a Green Beret and a combat veteran, not some expert at the Pentagon or a think tank — about the wisdom leaving troops in harm’s way once ISIS’s territorial caliphate had been destroyed. It was clear to me that he was deeply conflicted about whether staying in Syria was worth the lives lost — Shannon and her three colleagues — on that day in January.”


We live in a land where bombs don’t fall from the skies – to send our children into hiding.

Because of our military – because of our president we are free and safe from the horrors of World Wars I and II. Yet, we have a new and fierce kind of ground fight. Trump will award Army Sgt. Maj. Thomas P. Payne the Medal of Honor on 9/11, 2020. For his remarkable bravery during a 2015 mission to free 75 hostages from ISIS.  This land of heroes is Trump’s watch; he continues to reward them in many ways. All you gotta do is watch him put a Medal of Honor on to get the love and gratitude he feels.

Editor: This article has been updated by the writer for length and to include new reporting - Monday Sept. 7, 2020

Posted to Twitter Sept. 7, 2020:

Talk radio host Mark Simone tweets a video of Trump talking about wounded Iraqi War veterans in a 2007 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. This is long before Donald J. Trump ran for the Presidency in 2016 meaning there is no political agenda by a private citizen exhibiting his love for the military troops.

“People don’t know that for years he has been giving them free trips to Mar-a-Lago among many other donations to our veterans,” Simone said of vets in the tweet.
