SAN DIEGO: On March 14, around 4:00 pm, approximately 60 people gathered immediately south of the international border barrier near Imperial Beach, Calif. Border Patrol reports that nearly half the group forced their way through the barrier. Although hard to see in a video capture, it looks as if a rock is used to jack up or out the existing steel bollard wall. That provided an opening. Illegals cut the concertina wire and squeezed through.
The illegals then ran north on the beach, past a Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent at his post (as seen in the video).
Fast response nets arrests
The CBP agent acted immediately, notifying other agents of their position. In the video, shortly after the breach occurred, a Border Patrol siren is audible. While additional Border Patrol agents were speeding to the initial border rush, the remaining dozens of individuals pushed through the same barrier breach and ran north.
According to Fabian Carbajal, Border Patrol spokesperson, all available Border Patrol resources were called to apprehend the illegals, including K-9s and Horse Patrol.
All 52 illegals arrested and transported to a nearby Border Patrol station.
A total of fifty-two persons came under arrest as of 10:30 pm that evening. This includes twenty-three males, ages 18 to 53, twelve females, ages 21 to 50, and seventeen juveniles, ages 1 to 14. They were taken to the Border Patrol Station for identification and initial processing.
Once identified, they will be turned over to ICE to determine any legitimate asylum claims and enforce U.S. immigration law.
The Wall a CDN Exclusive: A visit to U.S. Border Patrol, San Diego (photos-video)
Border Patrol agents continue to search the area for additional subjects of interest.
“The information provided is subject to an ongoing investigation. Updates will be provided as more information is gathered,” says Border Patrol.
San Diego Sector Border Patrol is responsible for enforcing security along 60 miles of the U.S./Mexico border. San Ysidro port of entry is home to the world’s busiest land border crossing, where U.S. Interstate 5 crosses into Mexico at Tijuana. Dangerous drugs, gangs, terrorists, and illegals continue to try to force a way in through both ports of entry, and illegally, through open areas, not protected by an adequate wall/barrier.
The San Diego Sector Border Patrol sees illegal crossings on the rise with boldness, defiance, and ignoring the risks of breaking the law, as never seen before.
Deceased male illegal found by National Guard assisting Operation Guardian Support.
President Donald Trump called to action Operation Guardian Support (OGS) on April 13, 2018. He sent National Guard troops to assist Customs and Border Patrol sectors along the U.S./Mexico border.
On March 14, 2019, National Guardsmen cleared debris from the Tijuana River Levee, part of their various tasks to assist CBP. The clearing provides a better line of sight for illegal crossings. In the course of their work in the levee, they discovered a deceased, unidentified male.
U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) dispatch was immediately notified by the Soldiers. In turn, USBP notified the San Diego Police Department (SDPD). Both USBP agents and SDPD Officers responded quickly to the scene. A Medical Examiner determined that it had been more than 48 hours since the male became deceased.
San Diego Police Department is leading the investigation.
National Guard, OGS, is on the border for a while.
From Stars and Stripes, August 2018,
“National Guard personnel are authorized to remain on the U.S.-Mexico border for another year, the Defense Department confirmed…
The authorization allows for up to 4,000 soldiers to serve with U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents through Sept. 30, 2019 — or the next fiscal year, said Army Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, a Defense Department spokesman.”
OGS provides aerial assets to various CBP sectors’ Mobile Response Teams. OGS helicopters can insert agents, dogs, into remote areas, increasing success for apprehensions, arrests. National Guard Soldiers are reportedly assigned to non-law enforcement tasks, such as line-of-sight clearings, air surveillance and surveillance data monitoring, vehicle maintenance, and other duties.
As Guardsmen fill support roles – Border agents can get to patrolling. Both sustain the homeland.
“There are 2,200 National Guard troops now serving on the border. There are 1,145 soldiers in Texas, 115 in New Mexico, 580 in Arizona and the remaining 360 in California,” says Stripes. Troops are likely to increase as crises demand and authorization can be obtained.
The video of dozens of illegals rushing the border tells its own story.
People from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, and other foreigners prove inventive and bold in the latest border rush, right under the nose of the law. Border Patrol has a hard task written in the sand under the illegals’ feet. Incredibly, CBP continues each day to do it, as the guardians they are sworn to be. The broad range of crises continue as Border Patrol never knows who, how many, where, or what they will try next.
Talk about having one’s head on a swivel. Rest assured, Border Patrol are on mission 24/7, through sickness, health, rain, shine, or border wall wars.
The wall situation in the Border Patrol’s San Diego sector is multi-tiered.
Along the sixty miles of U.S./Mexico border, there are a variety of barriers, including a primary Vietnam-era scrap metal wall (in stages of being replaced), a secondary steel mesh wall, and the newest 18-foot steel bollard wall. At a point on the beach, the new bollard wall abruptly ends and an older, shorter wall continues out into the ocean. The remaining older wall is reinforced with concertina wire. The illegals, on March 14, forced an opening in that beach barrier.
It is believed by Border officials that Trump’s 30-foot wall will effectively fill barrier needs. One – replacing the secondary steel mesh wall (repeatedly cut by illegals) and Two –provide a barrier on areas where there is no wall. Trump’s taller, more impregnable wall will make it near impossible, even if individuals breach the primary 18 ft wall, to get through before they are caught by authorities. Furthermore, it is understood that it will also complete the entire border barrier where there is no wall (14 miles still open ground).
The 52 apprehended illegals will learn that legal entry is the only way, as they wait for the immigration outcome of their failed flight to America.