WASHINGTON, October 20, 2016 – The Democrats’ carefully orchestrated smear campaign of presidential candidate Donald Trump illustrates that Hillary Clinton’s media is continuing to do their job as protectors and defenders of the state. It is eerily reminiscent of the mob mentality screaming “Lynch him, lynch him,” when fellow Americans were strewn up trees, with no day in court.

Dinesh D’Souza’s film “Hillary’s America” depicts Democrat Party ties and associations including the formation of the Ku Klux Klan, which made famous the concept of vigilante justice. The Klan was established in 1860 by Nathan Bedford Forest, a veteran Confederate officer of the Civil War, who was linked to an atrocious massacre of black Union Army and white Southern Unionist prisoners at the Battle of Fort Pillow.

Bearing the title of Grand Wizard, Forest’s Klan was the Democrat party’s own war machine against blacks’ rights and political freedoms. Hooded Klansman went about on white supremacy execution campaigns, killing blacks for alleged crimes and killing Republicans for their support of black Americans’ rights.

This mob rule activity was fueled by the Democrats’ intent to pass discriminatory legislation and keep black men and political opponents in their place. Corruption was rampant in the highest halls of government.

The slogan for the 1868 Democratic Convention was, “This is a white man’s country – let a white man rule.”

Carol Swain, a black law professor and scholar of Democratic Party history at Vanderbilt University stated in D’Souza’s film that ‘Democrats have used blacks for their political agenda’. The terms racism, slavery, and segregation are call words and over the years, and according to Swain, Democrats have shifted the blame to the very people (Republicans) who fought against these grievances.

Columnist and bestselling author, Jonathon Goldberg, stated in the Chicago Tribune, July 2016, “Every election cycle, the GOP nominee is smeared as a racist by the Democrats or the press — or both.” It is clear that Hillary’s vigilante media is out to lynch her political rival, Mr. Trump, with trumped up character assassinations of all kinds that distract voters from judging Clinton on her own political record and crucial national issues.

Also in July 2016, D’Souza stated in National Review that, “He believes Democrats this election year are trying to –in President Obama’s words – “’fundamentally transform’ America into something the Founding Fathers wouldn’t recognize.”

In 2014, a couple years after D’Souza’s first eye-opening film, “2016: Obama’s America,” was released, D’Souza was convicted for a campaign-finance law violation. National Review reports that he never told Republican friend, Wendy Long, running in a New York senate race, about his $20,000 donation to her, and in return, received nothing.

While confined to federal public housing, D’Souza, learned about a con artist game that gangs use to gain power and realized it “eerily resembled the way Democratic machines operated…”

A fellow inmate told D’Souza, “The con games gangs practice involve promising people something for nothing, than cheating them while at the same time making them dependent on the gangs for protection.”

Games on record: “You can keep your doctor.” (Barack Obama). “Bernie Saunders and I will work together to make college tuition-free for the middle class and debt-free for all!” (Hillary Clinton).

Gangs get rich while their trusting victims go without. In July 2016, D’Souza told National Review about a con artist game at its finest in “How the Clintons got Rich off Poor Haitians.” He revealed that “In January 2015, a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of ‘billions of dollars.'” The story concludes that “Haitian [aid] deals appeared to be a quid pro for filling the coffers of the Clintons.”

Clinton is quoted in International Business Times in 2016, saying that “My mother taught me that everybody needs a chance and a champion,” and promises to be just that to all Americans, except, of course, for the four unfortunate Americans in Benghazi.

CNS News reported in Oct 2015 an exchange between Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kansas), a member of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, and Clinton. She, as Secretary of State and responsible for embassy security in Benghazi, told Pompeo that she did not receive hundreds of security requests related to Libya and Benghazi in 2012, including 83 between July and Sept. 11, the day of the terrorist attack.

Hillary’s media supporters play down these security request numbers as vague, unimportant. An Independent 2016 report stated that Clinton testified under oath, saying, “What difference does it make?” when questioned during a 2013 Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing about the cause of the Benghazi attack — an attack she first credited to a spontaneous protest. Evidence and analysis, however, demonstrate consistently and woefully inadequate embassy security with Clinton as boss and suggest as well that military action would have given those four Americans, who were ultimately murdered, a good chance of survival.

Clinton and her media allies routinely skirt answers to questions and routinely plan relentless anti-Trump attacks. CNN’s “Democrats release Benghazi report,” which purportedly analyzes Congress’ attempt to get to the truth of the Benghazi tragedy, is a case in point.

“Congress should not establish or use future investigative select committees or panels for political purposes including to impact elections or to raise campaign funds,” their report stated, adding, “We hope our report will put to rest the conspiracy theories about Benghazi once and for all…”

Hillary’s media army repeatedly jumps into the political campaign to exonerate her mistakes. They routinely play the “rush to judgment” game against opponents of her agenda.

In an excerpt from Alexander Somerset’s January 2016 report in “Western Journalism,” the author stated, “The national media has once again rushed to judgment, going after Donald Trump for supposedly being a bully and a ‘racist.’ But even as another knee-jerk attack was launched against the Republican campaigner, the media finger-pointers forgot to do one critical thing: actually investigate what happened and learn the truth before jumping to conclusions.”

Those in the media who have colluded and conspired to assist the Democrats’ lynching of Trump or any GOP foe for that matter, are not riding chargers, hiding under white hoods. But they are in our faces daily, posing as highly educated and talented news writers. Jonathon Goldberg lays out the disturbing scenario,

“In recent years, as the distinction between news and opinion, analysis and advocacy, reporting and click- baiting has blurred, the problem has only gotten worse.” (Chicago Tribune, July 2016).

Fact check: Misinformation is a slippery slope that can lead to disaster.

It is our right as American citizens to know and understand, without censure, both sides of the issues at hand. Fact check: Knowledge is power and the hearts of the American people want to believe and trust. An unsubstantiated, poorly researched story betrays that trust. Staying informed helps deflect destructive media bias and rhetoric.

Today’s vigilante news slandering has deep roots in political warfare. Popular talk show host, Sean Hannity, recently claimed on his radio show that “Journalism is dead.” He, like many concerned Americans, not only strives to bring another side to media attack stories, but is frustrated with the quality of news. The health of a nation can crumble with less than responsible and vigilante news reporting. Reality check: Many do not trust what they read and hear in mainstream news today.

Since its beginning in 1865, the Klan’s version of vigilante justice ignited violence and instability and great fear across the nation. In today’s supposedly more advanced and civilized era, we see law-abiding Americans who are only trying to do their jobs, have their reputations savaged and hanged, courtesy of vigilante justice by media.

A July 2016, CNN printed a confession of shooter Micah Xavier Johnson, “Johnson told police negotiators that he was upset about recent police shootings, that he wanted to kill white people—especially white officers—and that he acted alone.” Five Dallas Policemen were ambushed and killed in Johnson’s attack. The deadly gunfire erupted after videos of police shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota were widely publicized.

Media power should not fuel social discord with misrepresented facts or conjecture. Fact check: What we find in ugly smear campaigns or knee-jerk news may or may not be the truth. The American people deserve the truth about important social issues that affect their lives and their descendants.

Many citizens are aware of the menu they are being served by Hillary Clinton and her loyal media army. These citizens know their beloved country is at risk by those actively and successfully dividing and weakening America under false pretenses.

Truth awaits truth-seekers. John Adams said when defending the rights of accused British soldiers in an American courtroom during the Revolution, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

The attack on Trump regarding alleged misconduct with women contrasts sharply with the Democrats’ adamant opposition to the 19th Amendment. Democrats fought against giving women the right to vote and lost in both federal and state arenas. Relating to women, we’ve seen Hillary praise Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.

Who was Margaret Sanger? On blacks, immigrants and indigents, she stated:

“…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ‘spawning… human beings who never should have been born.”  Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people.

Clinton’s alliances with Sanger are found in a 2014 LifeNews.com story:

“Fittingly, in 2009, Clinton proudly accepted Planned Parenthood’s self-described ‘highest honor,’ its coveted Sanger Award. She blushed and gushed that she was ‘in awe of’ the racial eugenicist.”

According to Sanger, millions of Americans who are descendants of immigrants should not have had a right to life. Hillary Clinton seems to echo this sentiment, for today, these same people and their descendants have become Hillary’s “deplorables,” and are viewed as “irredeemable.”

One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all is America’s highest cause. The United States Constitution was an inspired system of governance the world had never before seen. The ideals enshrined in that document have inspired Americans to take hold of and promote this American vision to the point of enduring horrific trials and suffering the loss of Patriot blood. Each generation assumes the responsibility to adhere to that Constitution and ensure that future generations are not left with an America neither we nor they will recognize.
